Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Beautiful Christmas Tree - Year 5

Last Art session with a Year 5 class. Shakira painted this beautiful tree using metallic paints. I love her technique. It took her around 40 minutes. Amazing artwork Shakira, well done!

Egyptian Sarcophagi - Year 3/4

Found this great idea on someone's blog. Sorry, I can't remember who. It took 3 sessions in total. First we applied paper mache, then painted the bottles white and then the students used permanent markers to draw their designs. We used metallic paints. Prior to drawing, the students studied and viewed Egyptian masks and other sarcopaghi designs. The results were awesome!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree...

These beautiful Christmas trees were created in 45 minutes. The children were encouraged to paint the Christmas tree a little different. They painted diagonal brush strokes using vibrant watercolour paint. They were also encouraged to use coloured markers to draw presents and Christmas lights and of course glued glitter on. They were totally engaged and were very proud of their Christmas trees. Well done Preps!